Are you tired of having to shave your under arms, legs, or bikini area almost everyday and still end up with unsmooth legs? Well, if you want to achieve silky smooth underarms, legs, or bikini area keep reading.
A few years ago, I started using a machine called an “Epilator.” You’re probably wondering what in the world is an epilator. An epilator is an electrical device used to remove hair by mechanically grasping multiple hairs simultaneously and pulling them out. The way in which epilators pull out hair is similar to waxing, although unlike waxing, they do not remove cells from the epithelium of the epidermis. An epilator consists of a bunch of little tweezers, which work together to pull the hairs at the same time.
Pros & Cons of Shaving
The pros of shaving is that it is quick, cheap, easy and painless. However, the cons are that you have to shave often and in some cases everyday. Shaving only cuts the hairs off leaving you with rough feeling skin and it leaves a dark appearance especially under your arms.
Pros & Cons of using an Epilator
The pros of epilating is that you are hair free for many days. Also, it pulls the hairs from the roots so it leaves your skin smooth for a longer period than shaving. Most importantly, you are left with a nice skin that doesn’t have the dark appearance that shaving leaves. The cons of epilating is that you will have to invest at least $70 up front but once you do that you won’t have to shop for razors ever again. Also, it’s painful at first until you get used to it and eventually it won’t hurt as much.
Check out this video to see how this epilator works.
Where can I get one of these? I always wanted to try it out. (: Is it painful? YT: likeomgaahhh
Bed Bath & Beyond. Got cha!
i use an epilator for my underarms. my skin there is tanned. plus i get a lot of ingrowths and bumps...please help :(
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